School Uniform Policy
While the current uniform policy in HISD is flexible from school to school, at SGP we find that having students in uniforms promotes school culture and cohesion, provides cost savings as well as eliminates distractions or parent calls home and loss of instructional time when students are not in school dress code.
Dress Code
Uniform shirts may be purchased online or at the PTO store when a volunteer is present.
Monday – Thursday:
- Navy blue polo shirt or navy blue polo dress
- Dark Green polo shirt
- St George IB learner profile shirt (any color) or any grade-level specific spirt shirt
- Khaki bottoms
Friday & All School Field Trips:
- Grade-level specific spirit shirt
- Khaki bottoms or jeans
- Grade-level spirit shirts must be worn on all field trips – this is mandatory
- Students should wear closed-toed shoes daily
- Students should not be wearing sandals, flip flops, “crocs”, etc.
Uniform shirts and other school spirt items are available for purchase through the Parent Teacher Organization. Families may order all uniforms from the PTO Dragon Store
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